Verifying the printer is connected

If you are using a station with a printer to fulfill orders, this article walks you through the steps of verifying that your printer is connected

This article is part of sEATz operations app training.


1. In the Operations app in the top right there is a printer icon. Verify that there is a green check mark on the printer icon. You may get a popup when first opening up the operations asking if you want to connect to the printer. If you see that popup hit "Ok".

Picture of Printer Icon with Green Check Mark on Tablet With Orange Arrow

2. Click on the printer icon and hit "Print Test Ticket" to send a test ticket to the printer. Confirm that the ticket prints.

Printer Control Panel Picture with Orange Arrow

3. After the test ticket prints click on Settings in the bottom right then go to Device to ensure that all your printer settings are setup as intended.Picture of Ops app Device Setting Page with Orange Arrow

4. If you are having trouble getting connected to the printer reference this article for printer troubleshooting tips: