What are Product Options and how to create/edit Product Options

Product Options are the are options that are attached to a product that allow for customer customization i.e. adding cheese to a hamburger

1. Click on the Products tab within the Management app

Management App Arrow Pointing at Products Tab

2. Click on the Product Options icon for the product you wish to add options to

Management App Arrow Pointing at Product Options button

3. Select the Add Option Group button to add a Product Options group to your product

Managment App Add Product Option Group

4. Fill out the Name, Select, and Sort Order fields. Make your Product Group either required or not required

Management App Option Group Creation Window

Here is an explanation of what each field does:

  • Product Option Group Name: The name of the option group; ex: toppings for a pizza
  • Select: You have two options, Single Select and Multi Select. Single Select is used when you want there to only be one option to be chosen from the option group; ex: 12" pizza, 16" pizza, 20" pizza. Multi Select is used when you want multiple options within the product group to be available for selection; ex: toppings for a pizza (onions, bell peppers, olives, mushrooms)
  • Sort Order: This designates the order in which the Product Option Groups show up in the Customer app; ex: the customer chooses the size of the pizza first, then they select their toppings
  • Not Required/Required: A required option group means the fan has to make a selection; the customer must choose what size pizza they want. A not required option group means the fan can add options from an option group but they are not required to add an option from that group if they do not wish to; ex: the customer does not wish to add any toppings to their pizza
  • Allow multiple: when toggled on, this will enable the "+/-" buttons next to the item option which will allow the guest to add and subtract as many as they want. 
  • Show on the report: this will allow this singular item option to also show up in reporting 

5. Once all fields are filled out hit the Add button in the bottom right

Your Product Option Group will now be created

Managment App Created Product Option Group

6. Now that the Product Option Group is created you can add options to your group by clicking on the plus icon

Managment App Arrow Pointing at Adding Option Item Button

7. Fill out the fields for Name and Price and toggle on/off the toggles for Active and Selected. Here is an explanation of what each field does:

  • Name: This field designates the name of the Product Option; ex: Mushrooms as the name of the option within a toppings pizza option group
  • Price: You can set a product option to have a price or have no price; ex: Choosing the style of pizza (original, thin crust, pan pizza) may have no price while adding additional toppings ($.50 for Mushrooms, $1.00 for Canadian Bacon) may have an upcharge associated with them
  • Active Toggle: If this is toggled on the option will be available to the fan in the Customer app, if it is not toggled then the option will not be visible to the fan. This can be useful if you run out of an option you can turn that option off; ex: if you run out of Canadian Bacon you can turn it off on the Customer app by toggling the Active Toggle off
  • Selected Toggle: This toggle will automatically select an option for the customer if it is toggled on
  • Allow Multiple: this being toggled on will enable the "+/-" buttons on this specific item option
  • Show on Report: This toggle will display this item option on the event reports

8. Once the fields are filled out hit the Add button to add the option to the option group

9. To edit your Product Option Group or your Product Options click on the pencil icon in their respective fields

Management App Arrows Pointing at Edit Product Options Buttons

10. Product Option Groups and Product Options will be added to all New and Upcoming Events unless the Apply changes only to New Events box is checked

Management App Apply Changes Only to New Events

11. When you are ready to save your Product Option Groups and Product Options click the Save button


Here is what Product Option Groups and Product Options look like in the Customer appCustomer App Product Item Options Picture