How do I refund a customer for some items or the entire order?

Needing to be able to refund does happen and sEATz has made the process easy to ensure the customer has a great experience.

This article is part of sEATz operations app training.


Full Refund

  1. To process a full refund at any time. Click on the order that you wish to refund. 
    Operation App Closed Order Tab with Order
  2. Hit the Refund button.
    Operation App Arrow Pointing at Refund Button
  3. Tap Ok to confirm the refund of the order.

Operations App Confirm Refund Screen

4. Refund is now complete.

Operations App Refund Complete

Partial Refund

  1. To process a partial refund at any time. Click on the order you wish to refund.
  2. Tap the Partial Refund button.
    Operation App Arrow Point at Partial Refund
  3. Click the box or boxes to the left of the item or items you want to refund.
    Operations App Partial Refund Item Selection
  4. Hit Submit Refund button.
    Operations App Partial Refund Submit Refund

5.   Partial Refund is now complete.

Operations App Partial Refund Complete